Matrix Server Information


The server is not open yet. You can get notified via the RSS Feed for updates.


  1. I can't control what y'all do in encrypted chats, nor do I have any liability for those so just don't abuse my resources or conduct illegal activities; Otherwise, follow the rest of these rules.
  2. Do not use my server and domain for illegal or abusive activities
  3. All uploaded media (unless I say so) will be removed after 48-hours
  4. I reserve the right to deactivate accounts that are abusing my resources or to purge chat history as the resources fill up
  5. If I dont know you, you're more likely to have old shit deleted/purged when the server starts running out of storage

How to register

Contact me in the default homeserver and ask for a registration token and I'll think about it. Other than that, I'm not going to hold your hand so figure out how to make a matrix account yourself.